Head Shops > Pennsylvania Head Shops > Hanover Head Shops

Head shops in Hanover, Pennsylvania

Here's our list of head shops in Hanover, Pennsylvania. It was made with our own research and calling around to friends and smoke shops in Hanover. Most of the people living in Pennsylvania have told us their smoke shops are good but sometimes lacking great American made glass. My favorite head shop right now is Custom Blends Hanover right at 1055 Carlisle Street.

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Found 1 head shops in Hanover, PA.
Custom Blends Hanover
1055 Carlisle Street
Hanover, PA 17331
(717) 698 1767

About Hanover, PA

Hanover, Pennsylvania has 3530 residents and is located in Bucks County, close to the city of Beverly, NJ.
  • 1,798 residents in Hanover are Women.
  • 1,732 residents in Hanover are Men.
  • 8.1% of the people in Hanover have only smoked once.
  • 54.9% of the population here favors Marijuana legalization for medicinal purposes.
  • 6.2% of the residents in Hanover have visited a Smoke Shop in the last year.
  • 7.2% of the people in Hanover smoke daily.
  • 30.7% of the smokers in Hanover have bought a pipe online.
  • Most smokers in Hanover work in the construction industry.
  • There has been $248 in revenue from Head Shop sales this week in Hanover, based on Pennsylvania statistical data.


Tags: head shops in Hanover, Pennsylvania head shops, Custom Blends Hanover, head shops, smoke shops, water bongs, medical marijuana, weed, glass pipes

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